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Kick-off Meeting News published on OMU

Author: basicedudwe

Pre-meeting and Kick-off meeting of the Project of Developing a Model for the Strengthening of Disadvantaged Women's Competencies through Basic Education supported by the European Union Center for Education and Youth Programs and National Agency under Erasmus programs were held online on 10 and 18 March (2021), respectively, in Ondokuz Mayis University.

There are 6 partners from 5 countries in the project, which is carried out under the coordination of the Health, Culture and Sports Department of OMU. The Department of Health, Culture and Sports from Ondokuz Mayıs University coordinates the Project and Canik Public Education Center, Compass-Beratung, Begleitung Und Training Gemeinnützige Gmbh from Austria, Asociacion Caminos - Asociacion Para El Intercambio Educacion Desarrollo Social from Spain, ZİB-Zentrum Für from Germany Interkulturelle Bildung und Arbeit EV and Oaza Sigurnosti from Serbia are partner institutions.

The aim of the Project is to make disadvantaged women in the EU and candidate countries more effective in the labor market and to facilitate and strengthen them to access the labor market by increasing their vocational opportunities, to establish mentoring and empowerment relationships between disadvantaged women and opportunities in local and regional areas, and to encourage skills assessment processes with a methodology tailored to their specific needs.

With the realization of the project; in order to ensure the integration of disadvantaged women especially in rural area origin into the labor market, a specific assessment methodology for their special needs and difficulties will be developed. While the content of the Mentoring and Empowerment Program will be transformed into a more interactive online format with gamified elements on the Gamified Online Platform, an "empowerment workbook" will be prepared based on future activities and practices.

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EU Co-founded